Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years fast

New Years eve-
Church celebration: 8-1:30
I arrived around nine
there was church singing (mostly you hear the band)
There was individual singing (mostly you hear the boom box played into a mic
There was communion
There was a short wedding}
There was a gift exchange (My neighbor and host-little cousin drew my name and got me 2 triple A bateries, two fake birds in a miniature cage, and a pair of socks)
There was a long period of time praying on our knees after communion
a message or two
and finally, the best part, tomales!
it was a marathon, but fun.

New years day we slept in, ate tomales for breakfast, had a family meal (duck and chicken we recently slaughtered) which was great because we never eat together, and the best part, we played some good soccer with extended family. THen we rested and that evening me and my dad went next door for more tomnales and my neighbors house where they were having a party. THere was drinking there which is why the rest of my family didn{t go. The music kept me up as I tried to sleep before going to work today.

hope you all had a good one as well

1 comment:

Greg said...

I hope you read this the next time you get on the blog to make a new post.
Marta, here in Quito, te manda sus felicitaciones.
Estoy en Ecuador!